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Alibag is also famous for it’s large variety of seasonal fruits. Weather and soil here produces very unique taste of various fruits.  Hence at different season, we can see different fruits available here. 



Watermelon is the fruit that will quench your thirst in the summers. Hence, it is known as summer cooler. Its cooling agents provide relaxation and respite from the burning sun. It is a large fruit with a sweet watery red pulp inside the hard rind. It is very popular among all ...

Rayan fruit

Ranjan (Khirni) is another juicy fruit from Konkan region. The fruit, smaller than the size of your finger, is available in Alibaug only in the months of April and May. A small fruit found in the forests around Alibaug, especially in summer. Starting in March and April, tribals and people ...
Rose apple

Pink Apple (Jambh)

This sweet fruit is found in Alibag and Konkan regions. Greenish white color, sometimes pale pink in color, juicy and crunchy inside, this fruit is very delicious and sweet in taste. Few years ago, greenish white rose apples were seen in large numbers, along with red long shaped rose apples ...

Papanas (Pomelo)

अलिबाग परिसरात सापडणारे हे एक आंबट गोड चव असलेले फळ.मोसंबी व संत्र यासारख्या तत्सम प्रजातीतील पण कदाचित सर्वात मोठ्या आकाराचे हे फळ. आकार साधारणतः मोसंबी च्या चार पटीने मोठा. दिसायला अगदी मोसंबी सारखा, पण आतून फिका लाल. मोठ्या रसदार पाकळ्या असलेले. चवीला आंबट गोड. पावसाळ्यामध्ये पपनीस जास्त प्रमाणात आढळून येतात, ...


Alphanso – The king of fruits. Alibaug and its surroundings are home to numerous mango trees, as well as a wide variety of mangoes and flavors. Due to the environment and fertile land of the original Konkan, the authentic Konkan taste has come here, especially to the Alphanso mangoes. In ...


Mostly this fruit Kokum is found in the Konkan region, it is famous as a thirst quencher for the harsh summers. Kokum trees are found in abundance in not only the Konkan but also in Alibaug. The tall evergreen trees are filled with dark red cocoons in April and May. ...


When you think of Konkan you think of a few selective fruits, one of which is the Jackfruit. Alibag and the region around you will find a lot of these trees. It may look thorny and prickly outside but it is sweet and nutritious inside. You will always stumble upon ...


When you think of Konkan what pictures in front of you are the vast green coconut groves. Coconut are the pride of Konkan. They grow straight tall and are surmounted with a graceful crown giant feather like leaves. These trees grow from a central point on the top called an ...
Black Currant

Black Currant

करवंद किंवा डोंगरची मैना. काळेभोर छोट्याश्या आकाराचे व आतून लालभडक असलेले गोड फळ म्हणजे कोकणचा मेवा. उन्हाळ्याच्या दिवसात डोंगराळ भागात हमखास करवंदाची जाळी दिसतात, त्यावर हिरव्या रंगाची कच्ची तर काळ्या रंगाची पिकलेली करवंदे पाहायला व तोडायला काही भलताच आनंद. काटेरी हिरवेगार असलेले हे घनदाट झुडूप डोंगराळ भागात जास्त करून आढळते, ...

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